
Detoxifying too rapidly can cause discomfort if too much tea is drunk too soon in some people. Work up slowly week by week from a quarter of a glass (60ml) in divided doses. At 20ml 3 times daily any discomfort can be avoided. This can include headaches, stomach aches, nausea, fatigue, dizziness, mild diarrhoea, pimples, rashes and wind. These are temporary cleansing effects lasting from a day to a week or so in some normal apparently healthy people. Drink extra water to counteract them. People with disease conditions may experience a healing crisis if they drink too much too soon.

Pregnancy and lactation. In Germany the tea is not drunk during pregnancy because of the alcohol it contains (up to 1%). In Brazil it appears to be recommended in pregnancy to avoid poisons forming in the cells. Best avoided in the first trimester, especially if prone to miscarriage, due to anticoagulant effects. Seek professional advice for 2nd and 3rd trimesters. With lactation it would be sensible to take small amounts only and monitor the baby for colic.

Diabetes. In Europe, diabetics who can access them use Kombucha drops pressed from the fungus directly. Otherwise the tea can should be fermented longer to make it more sour and reduce the sugar content when the residual sugar is fructose. Saccharose splits to glucose and fructose at onset of fermentation, glucose fermenting quickly to glucuronic acid. Note that making the tea with less sugar (less than 50 grams per liter) will reduce the nitrients/energy needed for the formating of beneficial metabolic products making it ineffective and no point making.

Haemophilia. Kombucha has some anticoagulant qualities.

Candida. The tea's yeast will over-run other yeasts but need time to do so. Do not drink too much too soon, or too much thereafter.

Metabolic Acidosis? There was a case of someone in USA who died and presumably linked with drinking lots of Kombucha. This story made big news and is often quoted by those who for whatever reason are against drinking Kombucha. Some say the risks outweight the benefits. However, considering that thousands of people have been drinking Kombucha all their life and this has been going on for centuries, if it caused people to become sick or die, don't you think someone would have noticed by now? Thousands of people die from all sorts of things including medical treatments, or suffer the effects of toxic food additives or toxic materials in millions of potentially pharmaceutical companies, with much money at stake, will do anything they can to stop you drinking Kombucha? Huge influential drink producers might perceive home brewed Kombucha as a threat to their revenues also. I think we need to wake up to some painful facts, that we are living in a world of mass deception and with an insidiously corrupt sickness industry!

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